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Dart Controls
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Customer Feedback

Our objective is to provide you with the best products possible. You may help us by providing feedback to us.

Please complete the survey below.

  • Receiving/Purchasing

    If you are receiving or purchasing personnel, please answer the following:
  • Was the shipment received within the time-frame established by your company?
  • Did this shipment contain the correct items and quantity?
  • Was the box damage free?
  • Does the level of product quality meet your requirements and expectations?
  • Were you aware of our website
  • Technical

    If you are technical personnel, please answer the following:
  • Did you need to contact our technical support staff?
  • If you did contact us, was our staff helpful and professional?
  • Did you use the installation, programming and/or hookup instructions?
  • Were the installation, programming and/or hookup instruction clear for you?
  • Are you aware that our manuals are available on our website,
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